feel decades younger!

Ever wish you could turn back the clock and reclaim your youth? What if I told you there’s a way you can feel as vibrant and youthful as you did two decades ago, even after crossing 60?

You can feel as vibrant and energetic as you did 20 years ago. How? Well, in today’s episode, we’re diving into the exciting concept of ‘Fitness Age.’ We’ll explore what it means, why it matters, and how it can transform your quality of life. I’ll share three powerful habits that can significantly lower your Fitness Age, boosting your health and vitality. So, let’s dive in!

understanding "fitness Age"

You are as young as you feel. And your youthfulness is determined by your health and fitness much more so than by your chronological age. That’s why your “Fitness Age” is far more important than the candles on your birthday cake when it comes to your vigor and vitality. “Fitness Age” is an estimate of how physically fit you are compared to your actual age. It isn’t counted in years, but rather how well your body performs across key areas of fitness. It’s like your body’s personal performance score, and it reflects your cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, flexibility, body composition, and balance. The lower your Fitness Age compared to your chronological age, the fitter and healthier you are.

the Importance of Fitness Age

So why should you care about Fitness Age? Well, it’s a clear and concise measure of your overall physical fitness, and it has a big impact on how long and how well you live. Maintaining exceptional fitness after 60 reduces your risk of chronic sickness like heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis. It enhances your cognitive functions and reduces your dementia risk. It boosts your mood and energy levels. It improves your strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination, allowing you to stay active and independent. In short, the lower your Fitness Age, the younger you feel and act. It’s about becoming a healthier, more energetic, and sharper version of yourself, enabling you to enjoy your retirement years to their fullest.

You Can lower Your Fitness Age

Now that you see the profound impact of the “Fitness Age”, here’s the good news: you have the power to change it. Your birth date may be set in stone, but your Fitness Age is entirely under your control. You can work to actively reduce it and, in doing so, open up a world of health and wellness benefits. So, let’s dive into the 3 habits that will help you to lower your Fitness Age.

1. establishing a healthy diet

Let’s kick off with the first habit that can significantly lower your Fitness Age: establishing a healthy diet. But what does ‘healthy diet’ really mean? It isn’t about following fad diets or starving yourself. It’s about fueling your body with the right nutrients it needs to function at its best. That means plenty of lean proteins, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats. A diet rich in these nutrient-dense foods can help you stay lean, build muscle, and keep your heart healthy. I’ll have a lot more to say about healthy diet in upcoming episodes but, for now, remember, a healthy diet is the cornerstone to a younger Fitness Age.

2. Regular Aerobic Exercise

Senior athletic man cycling on mountain bike in nature. Copy space.

Let’s step right into our second habit to reduce your Fitness Age: Get Regular Aerobic Exercise. Why aerobic? Well, heart-pumping activities, like brisk walking, cycling, and swimming, play a central role in boosting your cardiovascular fitness. Better heart health drives your Fitness Age lower, so it’s vital to include cardio exercise in your weekly routine. The great news is that you don’t need to run a marathon or join an intense boot camp – in fact, at our age, it’s probably better if you don’t! Regular, moderate-intensity activity works wonders. Health experts recommend at least 180 minutes of aerobic exercise per week – that’s 30 minutes a day, 6 days a week. But remember, it’s perfectly fine to start small, say a 10-minute brisk walk in the morning for example, and gradually increase your activity level. Every step you take is a stride toward boosting your stamina, managing your weight, and lowering your Fitness Age.

3. Strength Training Routine

Let’s power into our third and final habit for lowering your Fitness Age: Establishing a Strength Training Routine. Strength training is all about building and maintaining muscle mass, which naturally declines as you age. Strength training reverses this decline. You’re not just keeping your muscles strong, strength training also improves your balance and coordination, reducing the risk of falls, and making everyday tasks much easier. You don’t need to become a bodybuilder to reap the benefits. Starting with light weights or resistance bands and gradually increasing as your strength improves will make a big difference. Aim for two or more days a week of full-body strength training for the best results. Every rep you do is a step towards a lower Fitness Age, fostering a more robust, agile, and youthful you.

How to know Your Fitness Age

Knowing your Fitness Age is the first step in taking control of your health and longevity.  The simplest way to estimate your Fitness Age is with an online calculator, like the Norwegian University Word Fitness Level Test.  It considers factors like your height, weight, resting heart rate and exercise habits.

Of course, an online calculator is a very rough estimate.  A much better way to measure your Fitness Age is through a physical activity test.  There are many ways to do this, ranging from simple to challenging tests.  In a future episode, I will review (and perform) the most popular methods. If you want to get a better estimate of your Fitness Age, there are links below describing the Queens College Step Test, an easy and reasonably accurate way to measure your Fitness Age.

Queen’s College Step Test

An easy way to estimate your V02Max which strongly correlates to your Fitness Age.

start today!

So, there you have it!  Healthy diet, aerobic exercise and, strength training – the three keys to wind back your Fitness Age and unlock a more vibrant, younger ‘you’

Remember, it’s about small, consistent steps towards a healthier lifestyle. So, why wait? Start your journey today. And remember, age is just a number, Fitness Age is the number that really counts!

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Thanks for reading, now go get ripped!

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