Hate Exercise? You're in good company!

Hate exercise? Well, you’re in good company! 85% of people over the age 60 feel the exact same way! But what if there was one, simple and enjoyable lifestyle change you could make that’s proven to lift your mood, slim your waist, strengthen your heart, sharpen your mind, and add years to your life? Would you want to try it? Let’s explore the science-backed, anti-aging power of brisk walking.

We all want to live longer and, more importantly, keep our youthful energy and sharpness as we age. The longevity science is clear that exercise is the most effective way to extend your lifespan and ensure that those extra years are filled with vitality and good health.

But a recent CDC Survey revealed that the vast majority of adults over the age of 60 don’t meet the minimum guidelines for weekly exercise. It’s no wonder that so many of us face declining health and vitality as we age.

But here’s the good news! The simple habit of daily brisk walking has been proven to significantly boost your health and extend your lifespan. It’s an easy, accessible, and enjoyable way to get the exercise you need.


True confession – I hate running. It hurts! But I do love walking. It feels great. I love getting outside, seeing the trees, hearing the birds, breathing in the fresh air. But is brisk walking really an effective exercise? To find out, I got a map and planned out a fun circuit around my neighborhood and I walked it briskly every evening after dinner. Then after a year, I went to a sports clinic and had my cardio fitness tested. And I was pleasantly surprised that my cardio health scored “excellent” and my body fat had dropped to 11.8%. Take a look at these before and after photos!

All that without any running or high-intensity cardio. Just a simple, enjoyable brisk walk that I look forward to every single day.

The crazy health benefits of daily brisk walking

So I did some research and discovered that the health benefits of daily brisk walking are crazy – more than 15 science-backed boosts to health and longevity. Let’s take a look at four that I think are really amazing.

brisk walking will Lift Your Mood

When you head out for your daily brisk walk, you’re not just getting exercise – you’re giving yourself a happiness booster shot. When you pound the pavement, your body releases a potent cocktail of mood-enhancing neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, endorphins – all the good stuff! And these natural chemicals work together to lift your spirits, chase away the blues, and help to shake off the day’s stress. Plus, something about being in nature, breathing in fresh air, feeling the sun on your face, just makes you feel more alive. So, whether you’re flying solo or walking with a friend, brisk walking will make you feel more positive, energized, and ready to take on the day.

brisk walking will Slim your Waist

as we age, you know it’s really easy to pack on the extra pounds. And while a few extra pounds of fat are no big deal, if you gain too much excess fat, it spills out from under your skin where it’s supposed to be and starts to collect around your internal organs and your muscles. And this visceral fat can lead to serious health problems like heart disease, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer, and even Alzheimer’s disease.

But don’t worry – brisk walking to the rescue! When you walk briskly, your heart rate increases, your muscles and joints move, and your body burns energy like crazy. In just 30 minutes, you can burn over 200 calories, which is the equivalent of burning 23 pounds of fat in one year! Not only will you dramatically lower your risk of disease, but you will look and feel great in your leaner body

brisk walking will Strengthen your Heart

your heart is the most important muscle in your body, and it needs exercise just like any other muscle, to stay strong and healthy. Because the stronger your heart, the longer you will live.

And when you walk briskly, you give your heart the workout it needs. Your blood pressure drops, your cholesterol improves, and your risk of heart disease plummets by up to 51%, according to this 2023 study from the American College of Cardiology. And since heart disease is still the number 1 killer in America, getting out for a 30-minute brisk walk every day is a no-brainer!

brisk walking will Sharpen Your Mind

I don’t know about you but, as I get older, I worry about cognitive decline and dementia almost more than anything.  I’ve witnessed its ravages on people I love, and you may have too. But here’s the good news. A 2022 British study of more than 78,000 adults found that a 30-minute brisk walk daily reduced the risk of developing dementia by an astonishing 62%! That blows me away.

Brisk walking enhances blood flow to the brain and boosts the release of special proteins that help to build new neurons, strengthen connections, and protect your brain from damage. This boosts your memory, concentration, and mental sharpness helping you build a robust, resilient brain that will withstand the test of time.

brisk walking extends your life

Need more convincing? Here’s one more: That same 2022 study from the American College of Cardiology also found that people who walked 8,800 steps per day reduced their risk of death from all causes by an amazing 60%. That’s right, 60%!

what is brisk walking?

So now that you’re sold on the incredible health and longevity benefits of daily brisk walking, you might be wondering, “What exactly is brisk walking?”

Well, it’s not a leisurely stroll or a window-shopping pace. Brisk walking elevates your heart rate, makes you breathe a little harder, and gets your blood pumping. You’re walking with purpose like you’re in a hurry to meet someone for lunch.

A brisk walking pace is about 3 to 4 miles per hour, or about 2 steps per second – which is what I’m doing right now. You want to get your heart rate up into the cardio zone, so that you can talk, but it’s a little strained – like I’m finding it’s a strain right now.

How long should you walk each day?

Even a 10-minute brisk walk daily brings big health benefits. But the real magic happens when you walk for 30 minutes or more per day, with the goal of reaching a total of 10,000 steps. My daily brisk walk is 5 kilometers, just over 3 miles, which takes me about 50 minutes. But you can start with what’s comfortable and gradually increase your distance. Trust me, once you start, you’ll be hooked!

Now as your fitness improves, gradually increase the intensity by walking faster, adding hills, incorporating short bursts of running or jogging, and this will keep challenging your body to maximize the health benefits. You can even put on a weighted vest like this one to really up the intensity.

lace up your walking shoes today!

The evidence is clear and compelling: 30 minutes of brisk walking daily can transform your health and well-being in ways you never imagined. It’s simple, enjoyable, and accessible, so lace up your walking shoes today and start reaping those incredible health benefits. Remember, it is never too late to start!

If you found this video helpful and enjoyable, please give it a like and subscribe to the channel for more inspiration on living your best life after 60. Together, let’s walk our way to a brighter, healthier future!

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